Steeple and Middle Aston Community Land Trust operates in the interests of the local community. We are a non-profit community benefit society registered with the FCA. Registered number 9374. 

We have adopted the following policies, which explain in more detail how we are governed. 

● Our rules (link): this is our ruling document, filed with the Financial Conduct Authority. 

● Membership application process (link

● Privacy policy (link)

Find out all about CLTs at the National CLT Network’s website.

The report of the survey carried out in Steeple and Middle Aston in the summer of 2024 can be seen here.

We asked our new MP, Sean Woodcock, to tell the new Government about SAMA CLT. Here’s the reply that we received from the Minister.

The first meeting of members and prospective members of the CLT was held on Wednesday 29th January 2025. It was attended by 38 people and provide an opportunity for the Board to explain what they had already done, and for members to discuss where they would like to see the CLT going.